Thursday, June 25, 2009

Regenesis 2x2 Doesn't Work ! ?

Giblink and Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) Scheduled to Launch

Giblink and Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) is slated to be the biggest Network Marketing Launch in history.

Giblink is a very secure social networking site that has been around for over two years and has already paid out well over $8,000,000 in commissions. They are pioneers in being the first social networking site that pays commissions to its members.

Global Traffic Matrix is a cooperative traffic and advertising network that generates massive, targeted traffic for its members by combining multiple advertising and traffic generation sources.

“Giblink and Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) have partnered together, combining social networking and network marketing together. These two multi-million dollar companies have created a way for people to become millionaires, not only from their compensation plan, but allowing their members to market and advertise their other opportunities. We have secured a very top position in the new merger and I can’t express to you how excited, Courtney and I are about this opportunity.” Randy Neale says.

Giblink and Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) is not another “Fly-By-Night” program that was just slapped together overnight. Both companies have some the most innovative minds and well known millionaires backing them. Many companies are created by marketers that have no real business experience and ultimately fail from lack of innovation and adaptability to the ever changing world market. The GTM leadership team has over a century of combined experience in high level consulting, advertising, sales promotion management and executive experience with many of the nation’s largest companies.

“When we received the invitation for a top position in this organization before its official launch, I could not get my credit card out fast enough. This company will be around for a very long time and honestly it’s going to make our future along with our team member’s futures very prosperous.” Courtney says.

For more information on Giblink and Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) and to secure a very prestigious position with Randy and Courtney Neale, please go their website, today.

Efusjon and Facebook Combined Launch is Right Around the Corner

Efusjon and Facebook interface is set to launch one of the biggest opportunities the internet has ever seen.

Efusjon was founded by some of the biggest names known around the world. We’re talking about executives from Microsoft, Universal Studios and the list continues. Multi-millionaire minds creating a company that other company’s revenues, with the same product base, exceeded eight billion in revenue last year alone; this is going to be huge.

“We actually heard about Efusjon about two months ago, but we didn’t really feel the excitement from the person explaining it to us. We heard about the products being an energy drink and really never gave it another thought, but lately, with the buzz on the internet and receiving numerous phone calls and emails, we had to take a serious look. After digging deeper and talking with executives in the Efusjon company, we jumped on board and secured a very high position with Efusjon before its massive exposure coming to Facebook. What does this mean? Well, when Efusjon explodes on Facebook here within the next week or so, just the spill-over alone will make us and anyone that joins directly with us exceedingly rich.” Randy Neale says.

“With Efusjon, all you have to do is recruit three people that are motivated and want to really change their lives. We will show our executive team members exactly what to do to make that happen and whole lot more. Efusjon has a community matrix plan that eliminates that “Revolving Door”, if you will, when it comes to the high attrition rates with other companies. This is a major reason why we joined Efusjon immediately yesterday. Basically, if someone joins and then cancels, with the community matrix, that position is filled in. You really can’t lose with Efusjon.” Randy states.

For more information on Efusjon and to join Randy and Courtney Neale’s team before the huge launch on Facebook, please go their site today.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Family Cycle (TFC) Launches Tomorrow

The Family Cycle (TFC) Officially launches tomorrow, June 16, 2009 at 1:00PM EST and the excitement is contagious.

The Family Cycle (TFC) is scheduled to launch tomorrow and the leaders in the company are expecting a huge turn-out with new sign-ups and paid members securing their positions in the matrix.

“We have a bunch of people scheduled to fight for a high position in The Family Cycle within our team. Without sounding arrogant, my wife, Courtney and I are being recognized as the top team within The Family Cycle and it is very important for anyone that joins our team to get in, and get in quick. The spill-over alone will make our team members a lot of money. On top of that, we have a lot of knowledge and experience in internet marketing and network marketing that we share exclusively with our team members.” Randy Neale says.

The Family Cycle (TFC) was created by two really down-to-earth women who wanted The Family Cycle to be a program with purpose. Everyone in the company gets paid and a certain amount of the proceeds generated goes into a fund to help families in crisis.

Randy continues, “The Family Cycle is refreshing to me, because it allows me to make money, but more importantly, I can give some of the profits to help a family that really needs it. It’s nice to focus on something besides myself and give back. The Family Cycle (TFC) is going to be a great program and I’m excited to work with ladies like, Andrea and Elise.”

The Family Cycle (TFC) is going to show each of their members exactly how much money they are going to make in their back office, but in order to get those funds, they have to recruit at least two people.

“Everyone knows at least two people and with this showing in the back office, it is going to motivate everyone to recruit two people. With this happening, everyone is going to benefit.” Courtney says.

For more information on The Family Cycle (TFC) and to join the number one team, please go to today.